If you click into the profile page, you can view the following:
Your personal information (email address, native language)
Please update editable fields if changes are required
For non-editable fields that require changes, simply select the red help desk icon in the bottom of the platform.
βSelect the 'send us a message' option and follow the prompts to select the topic(s) your queries relate to. Detail as much information as possible in the query and submit to the team.
βQueries submitted here are sent to a member of the Operations or Project Management team depending on the subject and contents of your query
Your listed role(s)
These are the disciplines that you are currently working in/have worked in on Jellyfish projects
Your chosen payment method
If you want to make changes to your payment method please go to the support icon and submit a request
Your given quality grade
This is an automated score between 1 and 5 which is created based upon the quality of your work. Grades are given by either an editor or Quality Lead. This score is an amalgamation of all of your project scores and may fluctuate over time.